
Free, customisable and stylish context menu


Easily customise your context menu to your needs

Multiple Menus

By just adding a few lines of JavaScript, you can have multiple menus

Prebuilt Functions

We provide many inbuilt functions you can easily add to your menu

Small File Size

No need to install 50MB of dependencies to expierence amazing menus!

Test it out for yourself!

Right click in this container and see what appears!

Test it here too!

What a different context menu appear here!


Read through the documentation to learn how to utilise the full power of Context.JS

Basic Setup

In order to setup Context.JS in it's most basic form, copy this HTML code.

Of course, you want to have had downloaded the JavaScript file by this point. If you have successfully imported the CSS and JS files, the context menu should work for you.

Some things about the menu

This menu utlises the CSS BEM paradigm. The base class of the menu is context, with subclasses coming off of it, for example __link and __item. You are able to customise and add more of these to the either the SCSS file or the compiled CSS file. Example:

This will make any context item with the subclass of item to turn red. I suggest looking into BEM CSS, as it is vital to this project

Item One

Item Two

Item Three